Saturday, March 5, 2011


When I was in high school, I was obsessed with makeup, as most girls are, I think. I wouldn't leave without it
in the morning, I carried it in my bag with me. I reapplied lipstick after lunch and several times during the day. When I moved to college, I kind of gave up. I wore makeup as needed- when I went out or had something special going on. But I was in technical theater. I worked and sweated and generally most of my makeup wore off. When I moved to UT, I wore makeup to work, but mostly because it was expected of me. I had gotten to the point where I didn't really think makeup made that big of a difference to me. I always wore makeup to Verite because I was supposed to look good and professional. Then I had Claire. And got laid off. And I stayed home all day. And so I quit wearing makeup. Because really, a baby doesn't care if you have makeup on or not. And I haven't really cared what other people think about my appearance for a while. Alann likes me with or without makeup. In the two years since she was born, I have worn makeup less than a handful of times. Teene told me I had to wear makeup to the wedding. =P So I've been wearing makeup to get used to it again. Which was a good idea. My foundation was making me break out. So now I have new foundation. And I've been wearing makeup any day I am going out. I'm just kind of trying it. I'm trying to decide if it is something that I need in my life or not. I can't say it makes me look a lot better. And it doesn't really make me feel any better about myself. And it takes time and effort. So I don't know. I am torn. I may keep wearing it only when I am going out. Or I may stop wearing it again all together. Maybe when I'm 30 I'll start wearing it all the time again. So that's my random musings for the day.


Kim and Franklin said...

OK ok. As your "older" cousin who is 30 I am going to ask what made that the magic age. LOL

Becca said...

LOL. Just because that is my next milestone. Not picking on all you old farts. =) Jk, Alann turned 30 this year too.

MommaKAS said...

Makeup is something we wear (or not) to make ourselves feel prettier. The original intent of makeup was to make a woman look healthier and more fertile, thus making her more desirable to any prospective mate, since she would appear more capable of bearing and raising children. (I learned that on the History channel. LOL!)

Teene said...

ahem! I don't recall telling you that you HAD to wear makeup to the wedding, but I do recall suggesting it for all the picture taking :) You would have looked great either way!