Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Nothing has really been going on of late worth mentioning. I checked the engine light on my car again at Checker, and their computer cancels the code. Since then, it hasn’t turned back on, so I am choosing to ignore it for a while. The water hasn’t leaked in the kitchen again, though Alann’s plumber friend at work suggested we tear the wall out anyway and look for a leak. We are just trying to get our house in some semblance of order so that we can leave it for a few days. Since the dogs will be staying at the house by themselves, we need to get it fairly well cleaned up. The people who were supposed to watch our dogs for Christmas and this upcoming weekend have pretty much cut all ties. Which is too bad. It’s always nice having someone around who will dogsit. We got our new cabinetry in the laundry room this last weekend, and boy does it spiff the place up. Maybe I will try to actually take a picture. I just hate to because then I have to fire up my laptop and resize the thing. Maybe I can set the size the camera makes the image. It’s usually like 27’ by 36’. Not real useful. I injured myself quite a bit. Smashed my hand several times, ran things into my legs, pulled a hamstring. No big deal, but quite painful. My right thigh still hurts!
I do love the change in seasons though. I love the early morning sunlight and the late evening sunlight. Comes from growing up in Arizona I guess. It stays light until 10pm during the summer. I definitely find it easier to get up early when there is sunlight streaming in the windows. And it isn’t freezing. That helps too. And I get to watch things grow. If I don’t have a baby yet, at least I get to have a garden. That’s almost as good. At least that’s what I tell myself.


Djs9pd said...

My car likes doing the same things. Instead of it being a sensor, it dies randomly, and then pretends nothing is wrong. We're waiting to find out is Sallie's job is safe before getting another car, but God do we need one.

Shannon said...

I havent been over to your house in ages! I need to come see the new cabinets!