Saturday, January 1, 2011

Recap of last year's goals.

So, here are my goals from 2010 and my analysis. I'm hoping this helps me some this year.
Religious Goals:
1) Really study my scriptures every day. Nope, giant fail. I went through periods where I would and then periods where I wouldn't. For a while, I was doing good about reading along with Sunday school. Fail. Having Alex has really made life more difficult. If anyone has any tips for getting this done, let me know.
2) Daily prayer- morning and evening. Still bad about morning. Evening prayers are usually more fervent and feel more better. I can't really find a useful way to describe it. It's more like it should be and less like it shouldn't.
3) Hold Family Home Evening and / or family scripture study. Nope. Big fail.
4) Go to the Temple monthly. Not so much. I think we went maybe 3 times last year.
Wow, as far as religious goals go, I failed hardcore. This year will be better maybe.

Personal Goals:
1) GO TO BED EARLIER! I try to make it to bed by 1030, but since we've moved, 11 or 12 is more likely. There is just SO much to do in this house that I don't even get time to myself until 10 at least.
2) Sew weekly. Doing pretty good with this. I've realized that I don't have to do a big project all at once. I can do small parts, and that helps. Claire likes to "sew" too, so that tells you how much I am doing it.
3) Take a picture every day. I did pretty good about this. I would say I took pictures of the kids at least once a week, on average. My new phone helps a lot, because it has a decent camera and can post straight to facebook.
4) Write in a journal. Nope. Failed again.
5) Read to Claire daily. I don't actually do this, but this is a huge win for us. Claire suddenly just decided to like books one day. She gets stories before bed now, currently read by Daddy. I do it every now and then, but she prefers him. I guess he's a better storyteller. Since I see her all day and he doesn't, I am more than happy to let him have that time with his baby. I do usually end up reading something to her a few times a week, because she will just bring a book over and ask.

Household goals:
1) Donate 50 items to DI (Goodwill) over the course of the year.  Done and done. We got rid of lots of stuff. I quit counting. Of course, moving helps. I am in the habit of keeping a box of donatable baby clothes and when I find something that I just don't like, in it goes.
2) Keeping up with housework. This is a roller coaster. I'll talk more about it when I post new goals for this year.

I think the take-away with this is that I need to take more time for myself this year. I need to put the Lord first. And I might have to actually set an alarm clock and get up before the kids. Ugh.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Acutally, if you think about it, you post on your blog quite consistently ... just print it out and call it a journal! Then it's not a "fail" ... it's a WIN!!!